Liver function test help determine the health of your liver by measuring levels of proteins, enzymes, or bilirubin in your blood.
Liver function tests are performed to determine if the liver is working correctly. Your doctor may order a liver function test if you are experiencing symptoms of a liver disorder. The most widely used tests to check liver function are the albumin test and the bilirubin test. These tests measure how well the liver creates a protein, and disposes of bilirubin, a waste product of the blood.
Normal levels for the albumin test are 3.5 to 5.0 grams per deciliter.
Normal levels for bilirubin are 0.1 to 1.0 milligrams per deciliter.
*Reference ranges are provided as general guidance only. To interpret test results use the reference range in the laboratory report.
You may be instructed to fast overnight with only water permitted. Follow any instructions you are given.
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